U.TEC Co., Ltd.  u.tec system engineering

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System Design

Aim for optimum practicality.
And remember that it's real people that we're dealing with. 
That's our ideal.

That's the important factor to actualize a requested mechanical movement. It performs electrical design in both hardware and soft both sides.

It is an electric design that can be said to be the factor in which the machine designed / manufactured in-house is important to achieve the operation at a client's request. Specialized electrical design staff are taking charge of it in a section separate from a machine design.
Depending on a time-chart and a flow chart from a machine designer,they are perfoeming the hard and soft design for controlling.
What the client needs is a facility which we cannot operate with only a machine. An electrical signal enters, and it is the 'facility' which can work one operation only after the control of the sequencer is accompanied.
We are always pursuing control of the higher enhanced model according to faithfulness in the demand of clients.

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